Known discography of GABU
(16 records found)
rate it monsieur brensonst GABU-001 20107"
rate it pordvalparaiso / REJU-042 / / / GABU-002 201112"
rate it monsieur brenson B.O.B.split 7" GABU-003 20127"
rate it marilyn rambobaleine à nourrir GABU-004 2012CD
rate it one lick less& we could be quiet / / GABU-006 201212"
rate it pylônethings that are better left unspoken / GABU-008 / / NTTT-001 201312"+CD
rate it hey enemyramdom acts of malpractice / / / GABU-005 201312"
rate it madeincanada exwivessplit 10" 201410"
rate it magneto pylônesplit 10" GBR-014 / BRS-009 / NTTT-005 / DAYOFF-007 / SP-035 / 201410"
rate it öfö am lahiussplit 12" ep HR-030 / GABU-009 201412" ep
rate it hands up who wants to dievega in the lyre LCR-049 / WHB-054 / WSHTF-003 / AFB-045 / TJP-007 / GBR-012 201412"
rate it ultracoïtsex church REJU-055 / ATRDR-041 / DAYOFF-004 / GABU-010 / OCIN-022 / BRS-005 201412"
rate it kitchen tool setécorce/essence TAN-026 / 201412"
rate it coubiaclunch WHB-059 / ATRDR-048 / BBRKDZ-025 / GBR-017 201510"
rate it poutre gentle veincutsplit 12" TOFU-119 / / / / DAYOFF-010 / REJU-062 / GBR-019 / / AMKO-005 201612" ep
rate it chevignondéchirance PoNab-024 / / / / TOFU-143 / 201712"
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