Known discography of FACTORY
( )
(34 records found)
rate it joy divisiontransmission FAC-013.12 198012" ep
rate it section 25girls don't count light blonde hair FAC-018 198012" ep
rate it section 25girls don't count blonde hair FAC-018 198012" ep
rate it section 25girls don't count black hair FAC-018 198012" ep
rate it joy divisionlove will tear us apart FAC-023.12 198012" ep
rate it joy divisionatmosphere FACUS-002 198012" ep
rate it the durutti columnlips that would kiss FACBN 2 005 198112" ep
rate it new ordereverything's gone green FBN-008 198112" ep
rate it section 25the beast FAC-066 198212" ep
rate it new order1981 - FEP 313 - 1982 FEP-313 198212" ep
rate it new orderblue monday FAC-073 198312" ep
rate it new orderconfusion FAC-093 198312" ep
rate it the waketalk about the past FAC-088 198412" ep
rate it happy mondaysforty five ep FAC-129 198612" ep
rate it happy mondaysfreaky dancin' FAC-142 198612" ep
rate it new orderstate of the nation FAC-153 198612" ep
rate it the railway childrenbrighter FAC-167 198712" ep
No sleeve yet rate it happy mondaystart tart FAC-176 198712" ep
rate it new ordertrue faith FAC-183 198712" ep
rate it meat mouthmeat mouth is murder FAC-196 198712" ep
rate it the wakesomething that no one else could bring FBN-178 198712" ep
rate it new orderblue monday 88 FAC-073 198812" ep
rate it joy divisionatmosphere FAC-213 198812" ep
rate it new orderfine time FAC-223 198812" ep
No sleeve yet rate it happy mondays & karl denverlazyitis FAC-222 198912" ep
rate it happy mondayshallelujah FAC-260 198912" ep
rate it new orderround & round FAC-263 198912" ep
rate it northsideshall we take a trip FAC-268 199012" ep
rate it happy mondaysstep on ep FAC-272 / 199112" ep
No sleeve yet rate it the durutti columnthe together FAC-284 199112" ep
rate it the adventure babiescamper van ep FAC-319 199112" ep
rate it revengegun world porn FAC-327 1991CD ep
rate it the other twotasty fish FAC-329 / 1991CD ep
rate it the adventure babiesbarking mad FAC-347 199212" ep
OWNER tony wilson
ASSOCIATED LABELS london, barclay, polygram
ORIGIN uk manchester

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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