Known discography of QUARTERSTICK
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(43 records found)
rate it pegboythree-chord monte QS-001 199012" ep
rate it volcano sunsblue rib QS-003 19907"
rate it volcanosvnscarrier in rock QS-004 1991CD
rate it pegboyfield of darkness QS-005 19917"
rate it pegboystrong reaction three-chord monte QS-007 1991CD
rate it therapy?caucasian psychosis QS-008 1992CD
rate it mulei'm hell QS-016 19927"
rate it the mekonsi love mekons 1993CD
rate it mulest QS-015 199312"
rate it pegboyfore QS-021 1993CD ep
rate it rodanrusty QS-024 1994CD
rate it mulewrung QS-025 199412" ep
rate it keponeugly dance QS-027 1994CD
rate it pegboyearwig QS-028 199412"
rate it muleif i don't six QS-029 1994CD
rate it rachel'shandwriting QS-030 1995CD
rate it june of 44engine takes to the water QS-032 1995CD
rate it keponeskin QS-033 1995CD
rate it rachel'smusic for egon schiele QS-035 1996CD
rate it rachel'sthe sea and the bells QS-038 1996CD
rate it phono-combthe crass and the switchblade QS-041 19967"
rate it phono-combfresh gasoline QS-043 1996CD
rate it june of 44tropics and meridians QS-044 199612"
rate it pegboy keponesplit 7" QS-045 19967"
rate it june of 44the anatomy of sharks QS-040 1997CD ep
rate it keponest QS-046 1997CD
rate it dk3neutrons QS-048 199712"
rate it pegboycha cha damore QS-049 199712"
rate it shipping newssave everything QS-050 199712"
rate it june of 44four great points QS-054 199812"
rate it naked raygunraygun...naked raygun 1999CD
rate it naked raygunbasement screams Q-083 1999CD
rate it june of 44anahata QS-064 199912"
rate it naked raygunbasement screams QS-083 1999CD
rate it rachels & matmosfull on night QS-069 2000CD ep
rate it shipping newsvery soon, and in pleasant company QS-065 200112"
rate it shipping newsRMSN carrier QS-073 2003CD
rate it shipping newsRMSN sickening bridge QS-074 2003CD
rate it shipping newsRMSN variegated QS-076 2003CD
rate it shipping newsthree four QS-079 2003CD
rate it shipping newsflies the fields QS-099 2005CD
rate it mi amiechononecho QS-116 200912" ep
rate it mi amiwatersports QS-118 200912"
ORIGIN usa illinois chicago

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