Known discography of TEEN BEAT
(aka teenbeat)
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(35 records found)
No sleeve yet rate it unrestunrest! TEENBEAT-002 1985tape
No sleeve yet rate it unrestlisa carol freemont TEENBEAT-006 1985tape
No sleeve yet rate it unrestunrest TEENBEAT-007 19857"
rate it flowers of disciplinest TEENBEAT-009 19867"
rate it unrestuntitled (Tink of SE) TEENBEAT-014 198712"
No sleeve yet rate it mark robinsonblack christmas TEENBEAT-017 19877"
rate it unrestmalcolm X park TEENBEAT-021 / CAROL-1366 198812"
No sleeve yet rate it unresttwister TEENBEAT-023 1988tape
No sleeve yet rate it mark robinsonkingXmas TEENBEAT-027 19887"
No sleeve yet rate it unrestcatchpellet TEENBEAT-028 19897"
rate it unrestkustom karnal blackx TEENBEAT-035 / CAROL-1399 199012"
No sleeve yet rate it mark robinsonsammy supreme my man TEENBEAT-037 19907"
rate it DUSTdevilsis big leggy TEENBEAT-038 19907"
rate it unrest DUSTdevilsd.c. murder capital TEENBEAT-041,5 / EASY-006,5 1990tape
rate it DUSTdevilsstruggling electric and chemical TEENBEAT-048 / OLE-014 1990CD
No sleeve yet rate it vomit launchblock of wood TEENBEAT-052 19907"
rate it unrestyes she is my skinhead TEENBEAT-042 / IPU-017 19917"
No sleeve yet rate it eggsskyscraper TEENBEAT-066 19917"
rate it unrestcherry cherry / TEENBEAT-049 19917"
rate it eggsbruiser TEENBEAT-076 1992CD
rate it unrestfuck pussy galore (& all her friends) OLE-024 1993CD
rate it unrest stereolabsplit 7" TEEN-121 19937"
rate it teenbeat theme scaley andrew bastro circus lupus vomit launch bells of... unrest autoclave jonny cohen teenage gang debs sexual milkshake superconductor velocity girl eggs courtney love krokodiloes helter skillet naomi wolff clarence coral jungle george mark e superstar s.c.u.d. butch willis wall drugv/a: teenbeat fifty TEENBEAT-050 / OLE-025 1993CD
rate it gastr del solthe serpentine similar TEENBEAT-095 1993CD
rate it unrestso sick TEENBEAT-098 19937"
rate it blast off country style eggs tsunami butch willis unrest the shoetrees bratmobile sexual milkshake cobalt los maraudersv/a: teenbeat 100 TEENBEAT-100 19937"
rate it unrestcath carrol TEENBEAT-105 19937"
rate it gastr del sol20 songs less TEENBEAT-125 19937"
rate it eggsexploder TEENBEAT-096 1994CD
No sleeve yet rate it eggsgenetic engineering TEENBEAT-136 19947"
rate it versusthe stars are insane TEENBEAT-142 199412"
rate it versusdead leaves TEENBEAT-162 199512"
rate it versusdeep red TEENBEAT-192 199612" ep
rate it versussecret swingers TEENBEAT-222 199612"
No sleeve yet rate it unrestmalcolm X park TEENBEAT-231 / KAR-047 199912"
OWNER mark robinson
ASSOCIATED LABELS matador, hemiola
ORIGIN usa virginia arlington washington dc

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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