Known discography of WHOSBRAIN
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(28 records found)
artist title ref year format
rate it la terre tremble!!!trompe l'oeil WHB-012 2007CD
rate it shubthe snake, the goose & the ladder GOBLP-001 / REJU-030 / DB-009 / KAR-004 / WHB-020 200812"+CD
rate it scul hazzardslet them sink / REJU-026 / / WHB-015 200812"
rate it scul hazzardslandlord REJU-034 / BIGOÛT-002 / DH221-008 / SD-003 / WHB-023 200912"
rate it shubfuck my luck GOB-003 / KAR-008 / ASS-003 / CON-003 / ATRDR-021 / REJU-040 / WHB-033 201012"+CD
rate it don vito bogong in actionsplit 7" LEMM-020 / NO-020 / / HYSM-045 / PANDA-014 / WHB-036 / BRIG-029 / 20117"
rate it joe 4enola gay WHB-035 201110"
rate it shubthe snake, the goose & the ladder GOBLP-004 / REJU-046 / WHB-040 201212"
rate it daikirist LDDLFC-010 / TOFU-043 201212"
rate it the glad husbandsgod bless the stormy weather WB-045 2012CD
rate it joe 4njegov sin WHB-042 201212"
rate it io monade stancathree angles ATRDR-038 / NSR-005 / WHB-049 / GOAT-007/013 / OFN-008 / HF-011 / CNR-016 / TCD-001 201312"
rate it one lick lessspirits of marine terrace LDDPHS-007 / WHB-048 / VLA-005 201312"
rate it filiamotsa filiamotsa & GW sok filiamotsa & l'archipel nocturne filiamotsa & chapelier fousentier des roches SB-001 / LDDP-003 / WHB-046 2013CD
rate it le singe blancaoûtat WHB-045 201312"
rate it dalidast 201412"+CD
rate it madeincanada exwivessplit 10" 201410"
rate it hands up who wants to dievega in the lyre LCR-049 / WHB-054 / WSHTF-003 / AFB-045 / TJP-007 / GBR-012 201412"
rate it donkiri st TOFU-076 / 20147"
rate it vitas guerulaïtisle tigre 201512"
rate it daikiridk02 LDDLFC-021 / TOFU-092 201512"
rate it buzz rodeosports RID-027 / WHB-060 201512"+CD
rate it buzz rodeosports RID-027 / WHB-060 201512"+CD
rate it coubiaclunch WHB-059 / ATRDR-048 / BBRKDZ-025 / GBR-017 201510"
rate it le singe blancst / TOFU-094 / 201512"
rate it daikirimarcel supra LDDLFC-030 / RW-024 / TOFU-123 / 201612"
rate it poutre gentle veincutsplit 12" TOFU-119 / / / / DAYOFF-010 / REJU-062 / GBR-019 / / AMKO-005 201612" ep
rate it harponbéji REJU-066 / POU-017 / TAN-043 / KK-025 / WHB-065 201712"
ASSOCIATED LABELS slow death, rejuvenation, s>h>o>t d, les disques du hangar 221, goback, downboy, karaoke666
ORIGIN france cherbourg-octeville

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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