Known discography of GOBACK
(8 records found)
artist title ref year format
rate it one foot dancerartistodemo 2004 GOB-002 2004CD
rate it shubif you can't read shub, bad luck you're colorblind GOBCD-001 2005CD
rate it allez kikettefais nous un break GOB-004 2008CD
rate it shubthe snake, the goose & the ladder GOBLP-001 / REJU-030 / DB-009 / KAR-004 / WHB-020 200812"+CD
rate it one foot dancerthe dead note theory BBRDZ-014 / / / / KATATAK-013 201012"
rate it shubfuck my luck GOB-003 / KAR-008 / ASS-003 / CON-003 / ATRDR-021 / REJU-040 / WHB-033 201012"+CD
rate it shubthe snake, the goose & the ladder GOBLP-004 / REJU-046 / WHB-040 201212"
rate it shubspot the difference REJU-052 201312"+CD
OWNER raphael sacomant
ASSOCIATED LABELS rejuvenation, downboy, karaoke666, whosbrain
ORIGIN france montpellier

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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